
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Gippsland Gamers summer holiday program.

GG have announced their Summer Holiday Program, which, naturally, you should all attend.
Details are to be found here.
Unless you find this post in years to come, in which case the link will lead to whatever they are currently offering in their next holiday program, and you will mourn the fact that you did not attend Summer 2016. Mournfully.

End of year program days.

During the end of year program, Messers Top and Jackson will be running two Wargames/Boardgames/RPG sessions, on Wednesday 9th and Friday 11th. Exact details of what Mr, Jackson will be doing remain sketchy, but Mr. Top is proud (indeed stoked) to announce Rabid Dog City, a post-apocalyptic role playing scenario using the popular Dice Chucker V.3 ruleset. Player take on the roles of a team of post-apocalyptic scavengers returning to the Rabid Dog City trading post only to find things are not as they should be...

Also featured:
Board Games!
Two Steps From Hell Music!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Dreaded Dungeons of Doom Death Destruction Doom and Death

The rules system for this adventure will (as usual) be Dice Chucker V.3. We will be using pre-generated characters and a random dungeon generation systems based on a set of fully modelled dungeon tiles. Heroes and enemies will all be represented by painted 28mm miniatures, and players will be able to keep their hero figures after the campaign. You will also be able to keep any dungeon tiles you make. There will be EIGHT places available, no more, and only players who have painted figures will be able to take part.

Week One: Build dungeon tiles from Foamcore.
Week Two: Paint dungeon tiles.
Week Three: Choose and paint heroes.
Week Four-Ten: Enter the Dreaded Dungeons of Doom, Death, Destruction, Doom and Death!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Master Painter 2015: voting opens.

Voting has opened in Master Painter 2015, LSCWC's annual painting contest!
You can check out the entries in the display cabinet in the General Office, and vote on your favourite in the poll running at the top right of this page. The winner's name (and the names of the other contestants) will be revealed on Friday 14th of August. Remember, the rewards of victory are shiny, and potentially cake-based!

PLEASE NOTE: votes do not always appear immediately. If your vote does not register, do not panic, it will appear within five minutes or so. This is a common problem with blogger's built in polling gadget.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Muscle Car Apocalypse Rules

The full MCA rules document can be downloaded here.

Note that we are not using:

  • Experience or income rules
  • Pedestrian rules
  • Melee rules
The following modifications have also been made:
  • Ranges have been altered slightly in line with the smaller scale cars we are using.
  • We are all using the same cars and characters.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross: Aftermath.

In the deep crypts below a ruined mansion on a lost skisland, our heroes find what they have set out to seek, or so they think. Professor Galverston Rudge, sponsor of the expedition and expert on pre-fall artifacts rushes forward to examine the precursor statue. A few simple manipulations of the runes inscribed upon it cause the walls of the chamber to fall away, revealing a powerful vortex. The professor rushes forward, and is engulfed in blazing blue light.
"Fools! You know not what you have done!" he cries.

Betrayed by their own sponsor, our heroes are forced to fight a desperate battle against one empowered by the old gods. All seems lost, the vile villain lies slain, yet wave after wave of gruesome goblins pours forth. To make matters worse, two of our heroes lie slain, and the cleric is acting in a most unpredictable manner...

And thus, with a desperate battle, the Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross comes to an end.

Song of Blades and Heroes pricer

I have put together a spreadsheet which helps to do the maths required when building an SBH warband. Currently, it includes everything in my collection which has official rules in SBH or a supplement. It will probably expand over time, although I doubt I will ever get so enthused as to add ALL the SBH official units.
You can check it out on Google Drive.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Conclusion of the Crosswise Albatross

This does not even come close to the epicness.
This Friday, the Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross will come to a close. There will be epicness, epicery and an epic amount of epic things happening epically.
It will be epic.
And then we will do some epic board gaming next week.
And then we will move on to further epicness after the holidays. Involving small cars. Also painting.

During the holidays, Gippsland Gamers will be running the traditional holiday program at Coal Creek. Details of this epic event can be viewed on this epic website. it's epic.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New Floor games for GG Holiday Program

I was at Bunnings on Saturday, and they had some cool little wooden car kits, about 8-10cm long. This got me thinking about the next school holiday program, and Mad Max (it's not hard to get me to think about Mad Max), and the inevitable development of a post-apocaylptic death racing floor game.
Road Warriors is still work in progress, but I can reveal:

  • It uses rolled dice for combat results instead of throwing things at one another.
  • Movement is governed by a template. Each car has one, and it also governs things like damage, speed and special actions.
  • The more damage you take, the slower you go.
  • There are currently four car types - Hot Rod, Rally Car, Street Machine and Monster Truck (based on the models available)
  • Road Warriors will probably be debuted during the July holidays at the GG Holiday Program.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


The release of Mad Max IV has got me thinking OMG! MCA!
Which essentially means digging out and dusting off my old Muscle Car Apocalypse ruleset, rewriting it to use Matchbox/Hot Wheels cars and then spending a few sessions re-painting and modeling them up as the finest of post apocalyptic road warrior cars.
Then playing MCA of course.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Little Wars Melbourne 2015

Little Wars Melbourne 2015 is just around the corner! On may 31st, Moorabin Town Hall will be stuffed to the rafters with mighty gaming geeks, gaming gloriously!
And Toppy is running stuff!

Over the course of the day, a complete four-game A Song of Blades and Heroes campaign will take place! Will you help Prince Imraldiir of the Blessed Peacock and his sneaky Wood Elves defend their native oak trees against Goblin lumberjacks? Or will you take sides with Bzak Butt-Scratcher, chief of the Flatulent Mountain Goblins and try to fell the trees for your own fell purposes?
  • Play over all new terrain built especially for the occasion!
  • Play using almost all new figures painted especially for the occasion!
  • Roll dice!
  • Lead your armies to glory!

Have you ever wanted to cram two (yes! two!) Rampage sets together to play eight-way Kaiju carnage? Or do you yearn to experience Tsuro, or the sweet sweet taste of noshing down on skyscrapers in King of Tokyo? Mad Juzzy the Flutis (aka Mr. Abicare the flute teacher) will be running a table featuring a veritable bonanza of boardgames! Rousing cheers!

An introduction to role playing, in the form of a stand-along Dice Chucker session set in Harran! Take on the role (and partial costume!) of one of six mighty heroes, and set out on a perilous quest involving skyships, lighthouses, goats and pirates!
  • Play over new maps!
  • Play using new paper figures made especially for this event!
  • Roll dice!
  • Learn rules!
  • Achieve VICTORY!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross: Our new Dice Chucker campaign.

The continents of Harran were ripped from the planet's surface 1776 years ago in the War of the Gods. Ever since, they have floated above the world-spanning ocean, held aloft by the powerful magical fallout left from the cataclysm. Now, Professor Galverston Rudge of the Academy of Stahl Point claims to have found an ancient document which may just lead to an artifact powerful enough to put the shattered world back to the way it was.
The professor, and a hand picked team of adventurers will set out aboard the Crosswise Albatross on a perilous journey to restore Harran to it's former glory, facing terrible perils and fearsome challenges in quest of the ultimate prize.

Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross is our new Dice Chucker campaign. Every Friday lunchtime we will gather in the Wargames area outside C05, and, using pre-generated characters, set forth on this epic journey. This is a role-playing game, meaning that each player acts as one character, and has complete control over the character's actions. Characters can learn new skills, acquire new knowledge, and uncover powerful new magic items to aid them on their quest. We will use the powerful, robust, fleixble, and extremely easily learned Dice Chucker V.3 system of rules. The only limit on your actions is your imagination and ability to roll dice.

Voyage of the Crosswise Albatross takes place in the Skyships of Harran universe, a universe shared with Gippsland Gamers, and which will also play host to Wrecker's Moon, a participation game to be held at Little Wars 2015 in Melbourne.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Swimming Sports

"I can't wait for this race to be over so I can play Gubs..."
Due to the annual house swimming sports, there will be no LSCWC session on Friday.
Alack and alas.
There will, however, be the now traditional Gubs school on the bank at the swimming sports, along with impromptu Magic: The Gathering among those kids who are also members of Gippsland Gamers. Or who have MTG decks for their own devious purposes. Possibly also Pokemon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Song of Blades and Students league: COMMENCE!

The A Song of Blades and Students League will kick off next Friday outside C05 at Lunchtime. This Friday (the 30th) there will be a 'learn the rules' session during which you will... learn the rules.
Entry is open to all staff and students. The more games you play, the more points you can get, and the better your chances of being crowned eternal champion.

You can see the current league ladder here.
You can check out the available army lists here and sign up to lead one here.