
Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Dreaded Dungeons of Doom Death Destruction Doom and Death

The rules system for this adventure will (as usual) be Dice Chucker V.3. We will be using pre-generated characters and a random dungeon generation systems based on a set of fully modelled dungeon tiles. Heroes and enemies will all be represented by painted 28mm miniatures, and players will be able to keep their hero figures after the campaign. You will also be able to keep any dungeon tiles you make. There will be EIGHT places available, no more, and only players who have painted figures will be able to take part.

Week One: Build dungeon tiles from Foamcore.
Week Two: Paint dungeon tiles.
Week Three: Choose and paint heroes.
Week Four-Ten: Enter the Dreaded Dungeons of Doom, Death, Destruction, Doom and Death!