
Sunday, December 10, 2017

End of Year Program 2018

Monday 18th:
Wargames Miniature Painting.

Learn to paint 28mm wargames miniatures
Experience level:

  • I know one end of the brush from the other
  • I can name colours
What you learn:

  • Basic paint application
  • Shadow blocking
  • Colour blocking
  • Drybrush highlighting
  • Wash shading
  • Side Brushing

What you get:
  • A painted mini

Tuesday 19th:
Warhammer 40,000 Mini Tournament

Engage in a mighty tournament to determine who is the best 40K player at LSC using armies, terrain, dice etc. provided.
Experience level:

  • I know one end of the tape meassure from the other
  • I have read the rules
What you learn:
  • Strategy
  • Tactics
  • Probability
  • The meaning of fear when you see you're in charge range of a Forge Fiend
What you get:
  • A certificate of VICTORY (if you win)

Armies (300pts each):

  • 1st Company; Chandorax XIV Heavy Mechanised Regiment (traitor guardsmen)
    • Commander
    • Militia squad
    • Plague Ogryns
    • Leman Russ battletank
  • 2nd Company; Chandorax XIV Heavy Mechanised Regiment (traitor guardsmen)
    • Commander
    • Militia squad
    • Mutant rabble
    • Sentinel
    • Chimera APC
  • Blood Drinker Legion (Chaos Space Marines)
    • Chaos Lord
    • Chaos marine squad
    • Rhino APC
  • Big Mek Spannanoggin'z Ladz (Orks)
    • Big Mek in mega armour
    • Boyz squad
    • Killa Kanz
  • Warboss Snaggatoof'z Ladz (Orks)
    • Warboss
    • Nobz squad
    • Boyz squad
    • Trukk
  • The Hounds of Khorne (Chaos Space Marines)
    • Chaos Lord
    • Chaos Cultists
    • Hellbrute
  • The Sons of Filth (Deathguard)
    • Chaos Lord
    • Plaguemarine squad
    • Poxwalkers
  • Da Fists of Gork (Orks)
    • Warboss
    • Boys squad
    • Grot Tanks

Wednesday 20th:
Call of Cthulhu RPG

Take on the role of a scruffy convict and try to survive a zombie outbreak in Sydney Town during the convict days. Call of Cthulhu is a horror game in which the players are pitted against the horrors of the Cthulhu mythos - ancient and evil beings from beyond space and time
Experience Level:

  • I know which end of a pencil is the writing bit
  • I can count to 100
  • I can throw dice without losing them
What you learn:
  • Stratgey
  • Teamwork
  • Probability
  • Bowel loosening terror when you confront the dreaded mythos monsters
What you get:
  • Bowel loosening terror when you confront the dreaded mythos monsters

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Warhammer 40,000: The Skulltaker Legion

Of all the dark and vile gods of Chaos, it is Khorne, bloody-handed god of violent slaughter who is the most warlike. His followers are enraged killing machines who seek only to spill blood and collect skulls for the skull-throne of Khorne. Such are the traitor marines of the Skulltaker Legion.

Our games will involve the following forces:

Lord Khornebullo; The Blood Drinker; a powerful Chaos Space Marine commander, marked by the favour of his chosen god.

Chaos Space Marines; very large, very angry men in red armour who would be very interested to meet new faces and introduce them to the blades of their chainswords. One unit of nine and one unit of five.

Chaos Terminators; even bigger, even angrier men in the super-heavy tactical dreadnaught armour, who have even bigger, even nastier chainswords to introduce new faces to. One unit of five.

The Vivisector: Hellbrute of Khorne; a giant mechanical deamon of bloody slaughter.

The Rhino; A small, basic troop-transport. Driven by a very angry man indeed, and used to transport up to ten marines.

There may be other forces which become involved, such as Deamon princes and minor deamons, and possibly even allies from the Chandorax XIV Heavy Mechanised Regiment; a vile and disgusting group of traitorous imperial guardsmen, dedicated to Nurgle, god of disease, rot, plagues and other such cheerful things.

Warhammer 40,000: Waaagh! Snaggatoof

Richest of all the Orkish clans are the Bad Moons, and even among the Bad Moons, Waaagh! Snaggatoof is known for it's vast wealth, which Blingboss Snaggatoof spends lavishly on the best gear the mekboyz can build.

Our games will involve the following elements of Waaagh! Snaggatoof:

Mistah Stompy - Big Mek in Mega Armour with kustom force filed projector.

Slugga Boyz - A mixed bag of 16 irritable green-skinned louts equiped for melee combat.

Shoota Boyz - A motley crew of 16 enraged killers armed for shotting.

The Nobz Mob - A small elite team of five the richest and baddest of orks, bearing expensive and exotic weapons.

The Grot Tanks - A ramshackle armada of four very, very badly built tanks, built very, very badly by the tribe's grots. Badly.

Other elements may be added, such as Blingboss Snaggatoof himself, Warbuggies, Deff Koptas, or even the infamous Winged Huzzork biker boyz.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

GeekFest 2018 Paint+Take

There is currently a survey afoot to decide which miniatures to paint at GeekFest 2018 Paint+Take.
You can go to this link and partake in the glorious democratic process! The survey will end on October 31st.
GeekFest 2018 will occur on January 21st. And you will be there. You will be there, won't you?

Warhammer 40,000 in Term Four.

In the grim darkness of C05 there is only war...

Starting Monday 16th, we will be playing Warhammer 40,000 8th edition in C05 every Monday lunchtime!
40K is the extremely popular sci-fi game from Games Workshop where armies of powerful warriors unleash enormous quantities of stupidly powerful weapons on one another, but no one really gets hurt because it's all done using tiny plastic men and dice.

We will be running:

WAAAGH! Snaggatoof - the richest Bad Moon Ork warband ever to maraud across the galaxy. Known for their expensive wargear and wealth so vast that even their Grots have planes. Currently lead by the Big Mek affectionately known as Mr. Stompy and equipped with 100% scratch built vehicles.

The Skulltaker Legion - Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Khrone, blood-crazed god of battle and slaughter. They are very large, very shouty, very angry, and very interested in drastically remodelling Orks. Into a large pile of Ork spare parts.

Places are strictly limited. Check in soon for army lists.

Remember that any damage to miniatures will result in red cards and payment for replacements either at current retail prices or in the case of converted or scratchbuilt models, at full commission price.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Edge of the Boganverse: A note on attendance.

There are considerably more people interested in playing that there are available spaces. Therefore, any player who does not attend for two weeks in a row will lose control of their character and will be replaced by one of those on the waiting list to join the game.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Edge of the Boganverse

All places in our Star Wars: Edge of the Empire campaign have now been taken.
I look forward to seeing you all a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Or outside C05 on Monday. One of those.

Our campaign draws heavily on the awesome fan film, Star Wars Downunder for it's setting and flavour. Watch the blog for updates and session reports.


Sholto: Rodian Thief.
Ellin Daar; Human Scout
Snubellar: Wookie Pilot
Grazz: Trandoshan Marauder

Bryan Streethooner; Human Mercenary
Lira Praxxis; Twi'Lek Gadgeteer
Greelik Zibbs; Rodian Assassin
D47-B01; Droid Doctor

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

LSCWC becomes a wretched hive of scum and villainy in term three

Participate in grim and gritty adventures in places where morality is gray and nothing is certain. Ply your trade as a smuggler in the Outer Rim, collect bounties on the scum that live in the shadows of Coruscant beneath the Empire’s notice…

Throw strange dice!
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is the role playing game of scum and villainy in the Star Wars universe. You can play as Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Techs, Slicers, Pilots, Smugglers, Doctors, Mercenaries and more. You can also play as Humans, Twi'Leks, Wookies, Bothans, Droids, Trandoshans, Rodians or Gant as you blast your way across the galaxy in search of thrills and loot. Mostly loot.

We will be using pre-generated characters, which will be published to this blog fairly soon. We will be moving back to our usual C05 location from the first week of Term 3.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Games design resources

A bunch of examples of Print and Play games have been added to our resource folder. These are all fairly simple amateur-made games which are designed to be printed out and then played with a minimum of fuss. You'll have to cut out cards and pieces some times, but that's it. These games are all good examples of what individual amateurs can create - several of them are also re-themes. A re-theme is when you take an existing game, and change the visuals and theme of the game to turn it into something else (the folder includes several re-themes of the popular PNP game Cheese Chasers).
A sub-set of Print and Play games is Mint Tin Games. These are games which are designed to fit in a single 'altoids' brand mint tin (which are about the size of a deck of cards). There are some very clever games of this type, including several which have taken a much larger and more complex game and streamlined it down to the point where it can all fit in the tiny mint tin. It's worth checking them out to see how much game you can fit into a tiny space using limited components.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Making games in Term Two

All though out Term Two we are making our own games!
We are writing rules, making boards and cards, designing boxes, the whole shebang. By the end of the term, all of our members will have their very own, original, hand crafted board or card game. Not only that, but you have the chance to win the coveted SPIEL DES JAHRES (Game of the Year - it's not my fault if the world's most prestigious game design award is German!).

In the first few weeks of term, we will discuss and plan how to design games, including the elements that go towards making a game, rule mechanics and gameplay.
Then we will start to play test our game designs to make sure the rules work and the games are fun.
When that's finished, we'll start working on designing the components - boards, cards, counters, rule books etc.
By the end of term, we will have our games finished and the judging of the LSC SPIEL DES JAHRES can happen!
You can find a resource folder on Google Drive which contains important planning documents, templates etc.

Want to make your game super professional looking? You can actually get it printed by The Game Crafter. The Game Crafter is an online store which prints home made games so they look just like things you can buy in the shops. If you want to use TGC, you'll need to get all of your art onto a computer and make sure it fits the printing templates. Games cost a touch more than things you'd buy in the shops (since they're one offs) and take about a month to arrive (since they're made in the US).
I used TGC to get my game Kitnapped printed, and it's also available for sale from them.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

LSCWC Season 2017

Term One: Season of Random Gaming
Boardgames, card games etc. A new game each week, including:
Citadels, Toppollo, Carcasonne, and Kitnapped.

Term Two part one: Craft Term Mk.1
Learn to make your own board and card games.

Term Two part two: Craft Term MK.2
Learnt to paint wargames figures.

Term Three: RPG Term
Play various quick, rules light RPGs including All Outta Bubblegum and Lasers and Feelings.

Term Four: Tabletop Wargames
Take part in multiplayer skirmish games such as A Song of Blades and Heroes and GruntZ.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Toppy publishes game (sort of)

You can now buy an actual, physical, properly printed shiny hard copy of Kitnapped, Toppy's game about stealing other people's cats. It's available via The Game Crafter, a print-on-demand games site in the US. When you order a copy, TGC will print it up, box it up and send it out to you!
And whay would you not want a copy? It's a game about stealing other people's kittens so you can have ALL THE KITTENS!
Go forth and order freely!

Welcome to 2017!

Should I do the survey? Do THIS survey to find out!
Greetings strange bipeds!
2017 is upon us, and it's time to think about what games we'll play during the coming year!
There's a shiny new Google survey you can fill out (you will need to login using your school email address) - sometime during the next week (when we get enough results) there'll be some sort of announcement about what we're going to play during Term One.
Terms Two and Three, as usual, will have some sort of craft component - you can also vote for what you want to do craft wise on the survey!