
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

International Talk Like a Pirate Day and how it relates to gaming.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is just around the corner. Also just around the corner, but on a more convenient date is Pirates Day at Coal Creek. In honour of the occasion, Gippsland Gamers is running free participation pirate games dressed as pirates.
Behold the full and frank details here.
Or see the details of the more mundane aspects of Pirate's Day here.

UPDATE: The Shire Council has decreed that there is a cost involved. Bah.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Terrain For Students

Starting August 1st, LSCWC will be running some hobby sessions instead of game sessions.
The term 'hobby' is used by game geeks to refer to all of those activities which are an important part of gaming, but which don't actually involve playing the game - things like painting figures for RPGs and making terrain for Wargames. We will be starting with some terrain building for a few weeks, followed by some figure painting. All in time for you to enter your masterpieces in the Terrain For Hippos Annual Terrain Compometition (Toppy's internationally renowned blog's internationally renowned contest!)
This will mean that we will be moving to the art building.
It will also mean you need to vote on what you want to build and paint.
Which you should do right now, using the cunning poll at the top of this page.
Note: poll results sometimes take a little while to show up. Be patient.

If you have any ideas not covered by the polls, post them in the comments and they will be considered.
Check out Terrain For Hippos for ideas.

Looks like we'll be working on some steampunk generators on Friday1st. They'll be a combination of these two projects:
Skaven Reactor
Warpstone Mine
As to painting, it's looking like Fantasy Villains. Since Reaper Miniatures is blocked by Netbox Blue, I won't paste links here.