A bunch of examples of Print and Play games have been added to our resource folder. These are all fairly simple amateur-made games which are designed to be printed out and then played with a minimum of fuss. You'll have to cut out cards and pieces some times, but that's it. These games are all good examples of what individual amateurs can create - several of them are also re-themes. A re-theme is when you take an existing game, and change the visuals and theme of the game to turn it into something else (the folder includes several re-themes of the popular PNP game Cheese Chasers).
A sub-set of Print and Play games is Mint Tin Games. These are games which are designed to fit in a single 'altoids' brand mint tin (which are about the size of a deck of cards). There are some very clever games of this type, including several which have taken a much larger and more complex game and streamlined it down to the point where it can all fit in the tiny mint tin. It's worth checking them out to see how much game you can fit into a tiny space using limited components.