
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Master Painter 2014: Voting opens.

Voting is now open for the Master Painter 2014 competition! All six entries are on display in the cabinet in the general office, and photos will be posted online later today. To ensure a level playing field, names have been kept secret, and will be revealed when the winners are announced. Cast your vote in the poll at the top of the page by selecting the entry you consider to be the best painted. Remember, this is a contest of painting skill, so take a good, hard look at each figure and check out how real it looks before deciding.

 This year's prize is a choice of three large monsters from the Reaper Bones range; An Ogre, a Minotaur and a Swamp Troll. The winner will be announced on September 12th.

Also in the display cabinet, you will find our Steampunk Generators from earlier this term. They are currently basking in the spotlight of public adulation, but they will be used in a game very soon.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gippsland Gamers Holiday Program - ANNOUNCE!

The GG September Holiday program has just been announced. You can go check it out in detail here.
As part of Coal Creek's Pirates Day program, there will be games of Pirate's Treassure run every hour from 11-3 on Sunday 28th September. $5 per session and the chance to win chocolate! Arr!

PegFlight: The Great War - build and lead a squadron of WW1 Biplanes to victory in the clear blue skies over the floor. $10 per player, Thursday 25th, 1-3.30pm. Huzzah!

The Great Battles of Napolarbear: Winterloo - take part in the last great battle of the Peninsular War, twixt the blue-coated legions of Napolarbear and his arch rival, the red coated soldiers of The Duke of Walrusington. $10 per session, October 2nd, 1-2pm and 2.30-3.30pm. Woot!


Thanks to a generous donation from Mr. McGillivray, the Master Painter 2014 prize will now include... PAINT!* Yes! If you win here, you get to take home paint so that you can ALSO paint at home! Huzzah! Woot! Jubilation!
only not at GW HQ in Nottingham, in the mid '90s and named 'Mike McVey'...
*Note that said paints are second hand, from the Collection of Mr. McGillivray, and you need your own brush. Also I have not seen them yet, he spoke to me of these things at recess today.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Master Painter 2014

Ah, Masterpainter, the contest of choice for the discerning student miniature painter. Learn mystic secret techniques such as the wash and drybrush! Gain access to a vast array of paints in startling shades! Wield teeny-weeny brushes! Marvel at the figures supplied by the nice bald men at Eureka Miniatures!
Painting starts 15/8 in B11.
Voting starts 22/8 right here on the blog.
Artists impression of what we are painting, as painted by notorious winner of 'Best Painted' at HGC Malifaux Weekend, Toppy.
And after we paint them... WE FIGHT!
We fight in a mighty arena death match on a weekly basis using our own personalised figures in a mad quest for ultimate glory! And prizes! The edible kind! Indeed, as the old saying put it "The rewards of awesome are shiny and potentially cake-based."