Monday 18th:
Wargames Miniature Painting.
Learn to paint 28mm wargames miniaturesExperience level:
- I know one end of the brush from the other
- I can name colours
- Basic paint application
- Shadow blocking
- Colour blocking
- Drybrush highlighting
- Wash shading
- Side Brushing
What you get:
- A painted mini
Tuesday 19th:
Warhammer 40,000 Mini Tournament
Engage in a mighty tournament to determine who is the best 40K player at LSC using armies, terrain, dice etc. provided.
Experience level:
- I know one end of the tape meassure from the other
- I have read the rules
What you learn:
- Strategy
- Tactics
- Probability
- The meaning of fear when you see you're in charge range of a Forge Fiend
What you get:
- A certificate of VICTORY (if you win)
Armies (300pts each):
- 1st Company; Chandorax XIV Heavy Mechanised Regiment (traitor guardsmen)
- Commander
- Militia squad
- Plague Ogryns
- Leman Russ battletank
- 2nd Company; Chandorax XIV Heavy Mechanised Regiment (traitor guardsmen)
- Commander
- Militia squad
- Mutant rabble
- Sentinel
- Chimera APC
- Blood Drinker Legion (Chaos Space Marines)
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos marine squad
- Rhino APC
- Big Mek Spannanoggin'z Ladz (Orks)
- Big Mek in mega armour
- Boyz squad
- Killa Kanz
- Warboss Snaggatoof'z Ladz (Orks)
- Warboss
- Nobz squad
- Boyz squad
- Trukk
- The Hounds of Khorne (Chaos Space Marines)
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Cultists
- Hellbrute
- The Sons of Filth (Deathguard)
- Chaos Lord
- Plaguemarine squad
- Poxwalkers
- Da Fists of Gork (Orks)
- Warboss
- Boys squad
- Grot Tanks
Wednesday 20th:
Call of Cthulhu RPG
Take on the role of a scruffy convict and try to survive a zombie outbreak in Sydney Town during the convict days. Call of Cthulhu is a horror game in which the players are pitted against the horrors of the Cthulhu mythos - ancient and evil beings from beyond space and time
Experience Level:
- I know which end of a pencil is the writing bit
- I can count to 100
- I can throw dice without losing them
What you learn:
- Stratgey
- Teamwork
- Probability
- Bowel loosening terror when you confront the dreaded mythos monsters
What you get:
- Bowel loosening terror when you confront the dreaded mythos monsters