
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

GruntZ 15mm forces announced!

Last week's armies were somewhat improvised on the spot since my computer died the night before. This week I've sat down and actually worked out proper army lists. We are playing a 110 points, simply because that's what they both came out as!

Ghost Legion Mercenaries:
Col. Gil Spectre (commander with auto rifle)
Doc (medic with auto rifle)
Red Squad (six troopers with auto rifle and one with RPG)
Blue Squad (six troopers with auto rifle and one with RPG)
Grav Tank with Rail Gun

Radium Falls Mining Co. Security Team:
Security Chief Guido Antonov
Security Team (six troopers with gauss rifles and one with RPG)
Scout Walker with chin laser
Support walker with missile pods and rotary auto cannon

The Mercs are better trained and equipped professional soldiers. The security team are not as skilled and have lighter armour, however their active camo fields allow them to blend with the landscape making them harder to target. While the mercs have more troops, this is balanced by the RFMC team's pair of mechs. Both sides come to exactly 110 points.

When my latest order from Ground Zero Games arrives, I'll have the troops to produce the infamous Zorn Deathfist and his pirate raiders. This will add a third army with a very different play style to the mix. I'll also play around with some other army variations, including an RFMC force which doesn't need to borrow the Merc mechs!

See you friday lunchtimes!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A winner is you!

Results are in for the LSC Wargames Club painting contest!
Over forty wild eyed gamers (plus a few teachers and the odd perfectly sane gamer) voted, and victory went overwhelmingly to:
Entry 4: Lucas's Teddy Bear! (The miniature is part of a 100 Years Picnic range from Eureka Miniatures)
Second place went to:
Entry 2: James's Gobbo (GW Battle For Skull Pass night goblin archer)
Third place went to:
Entry 9: Dillon's NBC suited soldier in camo gear (the miniature is from Eureka Miniatures)
Well done to all enterants; due to most of the winners being on an excursion last Friday, prizes will be given out Friday 19th August.
Thanks to all voters!
And remember, GruntZ games are running every Friday of Term Three in the I Learn center at lunch time.

Friday, August 5, 2011

LSCWC Painting Competition Entries

There have been ten entries in the inaugural Leongatha Secondary College Wargames Club painting contest, and you get to be the judge! All ten entries appear below, along with an entry number. Pick the one you think is the best painted, and vote using the poll at the top of the right hand side bar.

Entry No. 1
Entry No. 2
Entry No. 3
Entry No. 4
Entry No. 5
Entry No. 6
Entry No. 7
Entry No. 8
Entry No. 9
Entry No. 10