
Monday, July 25, 2011

GruntZ 15mm: Real men use tiny figures.

This term we will start to play a full size skirmish wargame called GruntZ. It's a Sci Fi game, so plenty of huge and powerful guns are involved. It's also a 15mm scale game, so the figures are only 15mm tall! This means each figure is tiny, but we can use plenty of tanks and fighting vehicles, so there's plenty of carnage!
We'll be running team play, with each player controlling part of an army. Later on, we might try some multiplayer carnage with each player leading a small force to try to kill everyone else!
Of course, none of LSCWC's terrain will work in 15mm scale, so on Friday 12th August, we'll have GRUNTZ BOOTCAMP where we'll assemble some print-and-glue 15mm terrain and learn the basics of the game.
If you want to take a peep at the new terrain we'll be building, some of it's already on photobucket.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


For the next few weeks we'll be learning to paint. At the end, everyone can enter their best painted figure in the LSCWC Painting Contest.
All of the entries will be photographed and posted to the blog, and people can vote on which they think is best. I'll be posting links to the blog on my other blog and some wargames forums, so we'll be getting impartial strangers voting on your paint jobs; it's not going to be just your friends trying to suck up to you!

The winner will receive his choice of THREE figures from the prize box. Second place gets TWO, and third place gets ONE. I will provide figures, and paints, and the school will supply the brushes. The only rule is that you can only enter a figure you've painted at school - this means everyone has just as much time as everyone else, and no one can cheat by taking their figure home to get their older brother, dad, or gerbil to paint it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

LSCWC in Term Three

Welcome back gamers!
This term we'll be running some painting workshops and probably a painting contest.
We'll also be running a few new games such as Muscle Car Apocalypse, a multi-player free-for-all car combat game, and possibly also GruntZ, a new 15mm scale SciFi skirmish system (although I have to test drive that one and see how long it takes to play a game). Dice Chucker Sci Fi might happen, but I've had trouble getting all the parts done. It's not even half finished yet.
You're also all encouraged to enter the Terrain For Hippos Annual Compometition.

Under 18s terrain competition on TFH

Mister Top's other blog is running a terrain building competition with shiny prizes and a junior, under 18 category.
Check out the rules and prizes here.

This is last year's winner, built by Nick Crawford.

Last year there was no Juniors category, so everyone was competing against everyone else. This year you know you will only be up against people your own age.

You can enter anything as long as it's either based on a project from the blog, or uses techniques from the blog. All of the projects are fairly simple, but there are some really easy beginner level projects.
Here's a list of the simplest projects which don't require any fancy materials. You can make most of these from household junk and a few bought materials like balsa wood. You can replace the foamcore with cardboard, or buy foamcore from the craft ship in Bair street.
Linear Obstacles (fences, hedges, walls etc.)
Cottage and Shack
Steampunk house and Mausoleum
Egyptian style tomb
African huts
Tiny Tuna Towers
Packing Crates
Timber frame medieval house part one and part two